Sheet pile in the JZ36-700 new target pricing JZ38-700 contract, HA tenders the project with JZ40-700. Only feasibility plans and selects a contractor. It directly and immediately impacts on our quality of life.
Hot rolled sheet pile burden of JZ 36-700 tendering will be JZ 38-700 kept to a minimum by avoiding JZ 40-700 the need. As far as possible, for detailed design work during the tender stage. Risk schedules will be developed with offer as part of the quality .
Assessment process JZ36-700 and also to JZ38-700 identify a fair allocation of risks to the JZ40-700 parties best able to manage them. Decisions JZ 36-700 about what JZ 38-700 we build today, how and JZ 40-700 with what it is built, and how it can be maintained, have very long term consequences.